Rainforest Products

Soursop Oil - Annona muricata

Synonym: graviola

CAS# 93165-81-2



Soursop oil (Annona muricata) (Annona muricata, Annonaceae) produces natural acetogenins in its leaf, stem, bark and fruit seed, which have demonstrated, in addition to significant anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties, selective toxicity against various types of cancer cells (without damaging healthy cells).



The soursop oil is an aromatic fruit, with white pulp, with a fibrous center, and with black seeds. It is of mild acid taste. It can be consumed naturally but is widely used for the manufacture of sweets, juices, ice creams, and jellies.

The crushed seeds are used as a vermicide and anthelmintic against worms, parasites, and lice. The bark, leaves, and roots are considered sedative, antispasmodic, hypotensive, and soothing.


Its origin is Central America and the Peruvian valleys and has great popularity in parts of Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific. The soursop is a small tree, measuring between 5 and 6 m in height and remains lush throughout the year, with broad leaves of dark green color. It produces a thick and edible fruit that is between 15-23 cm in diameter, heart-shaped with an average weight of 4 kg that can reach up to 10 kg.


CALVACANTE, P. B.: Frutas Comestíveis da Amazônia, 1996, 6a Ed , Edições Cejup – Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Belém. .

TAYLOR, L (2005): The healing power of rain forest herbs: a guide to understanding and using herbal medicinal. Square One Publishers. 519 p .